Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

How do I place an order? Browse our website, select the items you want, and proceed to checkout. Follow the prompts to complete your purchase securely. What payment methods do you accept? We accept major credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, and other secure payment methods. Our payment gateways are fully secured and powered through Stripe. Can I track my order? Yes, once your order is confirmed, you will receive a order number via email. You can reach out to us on to inquire the real time status of the order or alternatively use our chat line on the website. What is your return policy? Products with manufacturing defects will be promptly actioned. Our team from handyman department will engage and resolve the issue at the earliest, If there is no resolution to the defect, we will refund the money or offer alternate solution for your furniture needs. Do you offer assembly services? Some items may require assembly, and we offer assembly services for an additional fee. You can select this option during checkout. What if my item arrives damaged? Contact our customer service team immediately on with photos of the damaged item, and we will arrange for a replacement or refund as per our policy. Do you offer customization options? Some of our products can be customized. Please reach out to us on for more information on customization options. How long does delivery take? Delivery times vary depending on your location and the availability of the item. You can find estimated delivery times on each product page or contact our customer service team for assistance on Can I cancel my order? You can cancel your order within a 48 hours after placing it. Post that, you will charged 50% fee. Do you offer bulk discounts? Yes, we offer discounts for bulk orders. Please contact our sales team for inquiries regarding bulk purchases on What does free shipping mean? Free shipping is available exclusively within Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). For deliveries outside of these regions, additional shipping fees will apply based on the best rates we can secure from our shipping partners. Rest assured, we strive to get you the most cost-effective shipping options Dont hesitate to reach out to us on to send in your inquiries.